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Adjudicative Decision Writing
(Course 2000/3000-8): June 15-19, 1987
Front: Maureen Horne, Bob Barbour, Kathy
Hammerschnidt, Ron Rogers, and Richard Park
2nd row: Barbara Doleman, Alice Vigil, Tanina
Scimeni, Jackie Gratton, Lavonia Silva, Sue Mello, and Peggy Baumgartner
3rd row: Joe McFarlan, Rob Waiwood, Judy
Bowers, Kurt Mueller, Larry Vredenburgh, George R. Smart, Marie Getsman,
Peter Humm, Diane Storey, and Bruce Harris
Back: Susan Woods, Cathie Foster, Mark
Ziegenbein, Robert Walker, Larry Weitzel, Bill Dabbs, Jim Williams, Howard
Matzat, Sonia Santillan, John Santora, Marie Kranig, and Dave Fatch |
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Advanced Locatable Minerals (Disseminated Gold
Deposits: Evaluation, Patenting, and Management)
Course 3000-9 April 13-17, 1987
Kneeling: Burrett Clay, Jean Juilland, Carl
Persson, Dale Wadleigh, Brent Bestram, Steve Brooks, Jeff Gabardi, Dan
Jacquet, and Matt Shumaker
2nd row: Sue Marcus, Terry McParland, Byron
Berger, John Nichols, Tom Cook, Dennis Simontacchi, Ron Rogers, Ed
Vukelich, and Joe Torrez
3rd row: Mark Ziegenbein, Mike Diggles,
Douglas Bauer, Phillipe de Henaut, Denny Seymour, Bob DeTar, Larry Broeker,
Vic Dunn, and Bill White
Back: Joe Briskey, Floyd Gray, Richard
Park, Hilton Cass, Bill Jones, Pete Modreski, Chuck Botdorf, J. R. Evans,
Rob Waiwood, and Bob Randolph |
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Advanced Resource Management - Lands
(Course 2000-3): June 1-11, 1987
Kneeling: Jim Ward, Mike Rutledge, John
Rakowski, David Redmond, Day Gay, Richard Waggoner, and Randy Sorenson
Middle: Mary Creggett, David Coppess, Jeff
Daugherty, Bill Anderson, Sheldon Saxton, Ilene Anderson, Melitto White,
Mike Dekeyrel, Julie Dougan-Elzarad, Jimmie Peterson, and MarLynn Spears
Back: Jim Crisp, Debbie Kovar, Elena
Arellano, Craig Haynes, Yolanda Vega, Gary Bowers, Lynda Kastoll, John
Sullivan, Dan Stewardson, Mark Pyle, Jerry Page, Brian Lynnes, and
Laurelle Hughes |
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Allotment Management Plans: Development,
Implementation, Supervision, and Evaluation
(Course 4000-7): March 16-20, 1987
Kneeling: Tim Murphy, Karl Wright, Paul
Curtis, Phil Kirk, Don Heinze, Jon Collins, and Gary Dreier
Middle: Cub Wolfe, Tom Seley, Robert
Marchio, David Williams, Vearl Christiansen, Larry Newman, and Dave
Back: Tom Gnojek, Nancy Ryan, Pauline
McCauley, Dana Peterson, Ray Christensen, Larry Lichthardt, Darwin
Anderson, Steve Laster, and Fred Roberts |
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ATROW I - Easement Acquisition (Course
2100-1): October 26-30, 1987
Kneeling: Arlene Rocker, Bob Rinehart, Mike Kasterin, John Rakowski, Judy
Stone, Rich Waggoner, Brian Lynnes, Duane Ferneau, Buck McGee, George
Clarke, Janne' Joy, Griselda Herrera, and Ron Lane
Middle: Joe Jaramillo, Bob Zundel, Mark
Etchart, Mike Truden, Terry Catlin, Mike Nelson, Linda Sullivan, Shirley
Miller, Mike Berch, Teodoro Rael, Mary Jo Albin, Clarence Seagraves, Don
Lemons, Julia Elzarad, Mark Sherbourne, Bruce McGarvey, and MarLynn Spears
Back: Herb Olson, Scott Eubanks, Terry
Matchett, Martin Hansen, Bill Bliesner, Ken Hext, Leo Hosenfeld, Boyce
Bush, Bob Jones, Monte Fender, Alan Schaeffer, LaJoan Hardin, and Jim
Wagner |
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ATROW II - Easement Negotiations (Course
2100-2): November 2-6, 1987
Kneeling: Rick Waggoner, Arlene Rocker, Dave Barney, Mike Kasterin, John
Rakowski, Dan Vaughn, Jann'e Joy, and Bob Rinehart
Middle: Jo Prack, Martin Hansen, Sandi
Sacher, Jerry Kidd, LaJoan Hardin, Boyce Bush, Kay Miller, Stephanie
Snook, Linda Sullivan, Julia Dougan-Elzarad, and MarLynn Spears
Back: Chuck Pyran, Robert Walker, Mark
Etchart, Glenn Hadden, Steve Durkee, Mike Nelson, Mike Truden, Mark
Sherbourne, Bill Bilesner, and Jim Wagner |
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Basic Lands Adjudication (Course
2000-2): January 26-30, 1987
Front: Bob Barbour, Michael Reed, Jack Lewis, Larry D. Lacey, and Richard
K. Johnson
2nd row: Brenda Pretty Paint, Adora Ponce,
Sherry Koski, Mary Lujan, Becki Gonzales, Melody Anzini, Gloria Reams,
Glenna Tabor, Maxine Duft, and Vivian Meher
3rd row: Penny Brown, Marilyn Peters,
Angelyn Barbour, Carol McDermott, Lorri Denton, Jane Miller, Jeanine
Simons, Carol Sheaff, and Dennis Benson
Back: Susan Britt, Ronda Best, Evelyn Stob,
Esperanze Otero, and Dixon Sandoval |
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Basic Minerals Adjudication (Course
3000-2): January 26-30, 1987
Front: Dorothy Hanley, Kathy Hammerschmidt, and Bob Barbour
2nd row: Nancy Alex, Joan Gilbert,
Esperanza Bachman, Valentina Blackwell, Mavis Love, Carmen Lovett, Lori
Decker, Vicki Brown, Courtney Davidson, and Kelly Sharp
3rd row: Frankie Brazell, Ardella McBride,
Phyllis Morton, Jeanne Holtby, Betty Duncan, Maria Thomas, Joyce Fierro,
Margie Herrman, Gaye Jones, and Mary Smuin
Back: Kathy Stubbs, Dayle Muhlenbruck,
Bettie Schaff, Mark Negri, Bob Boyer, Eileen L. Chalkey, and Lonny E. Kent |
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BLM Executives Secretaries Meeting,
November 30 - December 4, 1987
Kneeling: Lorrene Schardt, Marilyn Ham, Nadine White
Standing: Pat Mellon, Tina Bush, Terry
Cole, Carol Hadley, Carole Purcell, Cathy Davis, Florence Chaffin, Elaine
Barankiewicz, Guadalupe Martinez, Ann Philliips, Bobbie Lewis, Claudette
Wilson, and Gordon Jennings |
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Coal Management (Course 3000-21): March
30 - April 3, 1987 Kneeling: Gordon
Whitney, Ron Blackstone, Kit Muller, Ed Heffern, and John Carlson
Middle: Jim Albano, John Morrone, Tom Wawro,
Jeannette Bejot, Patricia Romero, and Dolly Willis
Back: Bill Hauser, Leo Hosenfeld, Don
Meares, Harry Moritz, Bill Amorous, and Tim Heisler |
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Communitization, Unitization, Drainage,
Development and Determinations (Course 3000-16): Feb 2-13,
1987 Kneeling: Jeff Merkel, John
Mehlhoff, Sue Watson, Will Lambert, Ron Wenker, Stuart Cerovski, Ron
Schuyler, and Jerry Dutchover, Jr.
2nd row: Bernie Dillon, Paula Langley,
Sandy Patton, Mary Branscom, Sherry Barnett, Kent Hoffman, Richard Watson,
Linda Slone, and Richard Forester
3rd row: Lee Jeffers, Allen Ollila, Sherri
Fricke, Jeff Olson, Norman Symers, Marvin Schroeder, and Carey Doyle
Back: Bruce Weyers, Peter Ditton, DeLon
Potter, Howard Cleavinger, Wayne Zinne, Jim Franks, and Richard Hopkins |
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Decisions, Appeals, and Hearings (Course
4000-8): February 2-6, 1987
Front: Gary Dreier, Thomas Gow, Keith Wittenhagen, Steve Hannan, Larry
Humphrey, Jon Collins, Ken Goodrow, Tommy Gooch, Fritz Goreham, John
Rampton, and Dee Ritchie
Back: Lawrence McHenry, Chuck Jones, Roger
Oyler, John Spain, Conrad Bateman, James Perkin, Glade Anderson, Fran
Ackley, Dale Tribby, and John Riel |
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Easement Negotiations (Course 2100-2):
January 26-30, 1987 Kneeling: Dale
Ross, Larry Hand, Dick Todd, John Radosta, Tom Cottingham, Brian Lynnes,
and Jim Ledger
Standing: Phil Paterno, Kevin Devitt, Chuck
Pyron, LaJoan Hardin, Terry Matchett, Spencer Pitcher, Oscar Anderson, Roy
Zingmark, Bill Schurger, Theodoro Rael, Martin Portman, Ed Menghini, John
Lancelot, Ken Hext, Bill Nickeri, George Clark, Ron Lane, Terry Catlin,
Cathy Foster, Duane Ferneau, Dan Stewardson, Eric Thomson, and Jo Prack |
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Easement Problem Resolution (Course
2100-3): February 2-6, 1987
Kneeling: Larry Hand, Theodoro Rael, Leon
Kabat, John Radosta, Dick Todd, Dale Ross, Jim Ledger, and Tom Cottingham
Standing: Phil Paterno, Cathy Foster, Dan
Stewardson, Ron Lane, Terry Matchett, Spencer Pitcher, Oscar Anderson, Bob
Jones, Don Lemons, Kevin Devitt, Doug Morrison, Gary Stevens, Chet Gawin,
George Clark, Eric Thomson, John Lancelot, Brian Lynnes, Duane Ferneau,
Ken Hext, Ed Menghini, Milt Rogers, Martin Portman, Bill Nickerl, Larry
Hanlon, and Roy Hayes |
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Electric Systems Short Course (Course
2009-9): February 9-13, 1987
Kneeling: Ron Blackstone, Butch Peugh, Mark Etchart, Hector Abrego, Janne'
Joy, Chris Nota, Teresa Deakins, Tom Gey, and Jim Peterson
Standing: Frank Hissong, Vern Rholl,
Anabelle Martinez, Larry Lucas, Donna Owens, Mike Truden, Walt Scott,
David Hallock, Bill Caskey, David Lehmann, Sylvia Hale, Jim Anderson,
Frank Elder, James Simpson, Arnold Schoeck, Charles Hodgin, Randy Massey,
Sue Murphy, Candace Ojala, Juan Padilla, Raymond Frost, Elsa Curley, Oma
Juaneta, Rick Loughery, and Dahl Zohner |
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Environmental Management - Minerals
(Course 3000-19): March 16-27, 1987
Front: Ron Rogers, Dale Tribby, Bob Harrison,
Dave Pomerinke, Bob Fujimoto, Neil A. Simmons, Dave Fatch, and Burrett
Middle: Ole Olsen, Ed Weber, Larry Dee,
Richard G. Hill, Victor O. Ross, Art Smith, Clare Miller, Dan Sokal, and
Al Pierson
Back: Jon Menton, Bill Matthews, Jack
Steuerwald, Fred Potter, Jamie Sellar-Baker, Vince Balderez, Paul Uncapher,
Dave Plume, and Tom Lahti |
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Fish and Wildlife 2000 Workshop, (Group I),
December 1-3, 1987 Front: Roger
Bolstad, Craig Altop, Roger Rosentreter, and Cal McCluskey
Middle: Bill Nietro, Gordon Staker, Joe
Webb, El Spencer, and Mike Crouse
Back: Dave Nylander, Allen Thomas, Jesse
Juen, Don Whyde, and Kurt Ballentyne |
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Fish and Wildlife 2000 Workshop, (Group II),
December 1-3, 1987 Front: Van
Manning, Al Logosz, Fred Stabler, Art Oakley, Paul Sawyer, Randall Legler,
Kniffy Hamilton, and Dave Roberts
Middle: Neil Armantrout, Bob Calkins, Jens
Jensen, Deane Zeller, Russ McFarling, Curtis Warrick, Ray Boyd, Gene
Dahlem, Lee Upham, and Don Pritchard
Back: Dave Almand, Dale Brubaker, Neal
Middlebrook, Jerry Farringer, Clay Bridges, Gregg Mangan, Bill Radtkey,
Dennis Hoyem, Dave Golcoechea, Jim May, and Glenn Carpenter |
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Fluid Minerals: Inspection and Enforcement -
Drilling (Course 3000-17B), Roswell, NM: June 8-26, 1987
Front: Bob Bancroft, Tim Abing, Larry Updike,
Darrell Self, Gene Dillashaw, Fred Johnson, Rafael Navarrette, and Alfred
2nd row: Bob Kent, Joe Hughes, John
Bramhall, Chris Hanson, Larry Kmoch, Frank Walter, Al Gonzales, Ron Snow,
Keith Tyler, William Gewecke, Dale Carpenter, and Ken Baker
3rd row: Mark Stevens, Belva Christensen,
Nick Heick, Carren Cuch, Ed Womack, Jose Sanchez, Leonard Bixler, Kessley
LaRose, Carl Budd, and Dick Forester
Back: Jack Johnson, Tom Hare, Bill Kraft,
R. J. Goodrich, Darrell Ahlers, Jimmy Morris, and Bill McManus |
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Fluid Minerals Inspection and Enforcement -
Production (Course 300-18B), Roswell, NM: Sept 14-25, 1987
Front: Joe Chesser, Jim Graham, Randy Howell,
Marvin Cook, Robert Santistevan, Anson Baker, and Ray Arnold
Middle: Trudy Holdren, Hank Szymanski,
Shirley Bryant, Bill Gewecke, Scott McCorkle, Joe Sanchez, Jimmy Horn,
Marty Connolly, Lonny Bagley, and Dick Forester
Back: Greg Noble, Bob Riggins, Steve
Henderson, Rich Estabrook, Dale Carpenter, Nick Helck, Joe Goodrich, Dale
Tunnell, Dennis Carpenter, and Chris Hanson |
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Fluids Inspection and Enforcement - Drilling
(Course 3000-17A), Bakersfield, CA: March 2-20, 1987
Kneeling: Ken Baker, John Bramhall, Christy
Craig, Jim Monroe, Mike Kolling, and Arnold Smits, Patrick J. Padia,
Sharon Nygaard-Scott, Linda Eubanks, Robert Santisteven, and Dick Forester
Middle (standing): Bob Kent, Joe Hughes,
Fred Oneyear, Richard Jenks, Jr., Rick Canterbury, Al Caldwell, John
Sturman, Frank Dalton, Lane Osborn, George Tetreault, Lee Greaves, and
Steve Williams
Back: Howard Lemm, Carl Budd, George
DiWachak, Roger Middleton, Allan [surname unreadable], George Rice, Joseph
A. Dygas, Theodore R. Anderson, Mervin S. Miles, Chuck Horsburgh, Frank
Moore, Steve [surname unreadable], and Dan Cressy |
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Fluids Inspection and Enforcement (I&E) -
Production, Roswell, NM (Course 3000-18A): April 6-24, 1987
Front: Darren Cuch, Richard Jenks, Jr.,
Patrick J. Padia, Darrell Self, Ernie Gillingham, Lonny R. Bagley, Tom
Hare, Shannon J. Shaw, and Joe Russell
2nd row: Trudy Holdren, Paul Parthun, Ralph
Randles, Jim Plani, Joseph Dygas, Ray Thompson, Johnny Stout, John
Duletsky, Howard Kelsey, Raj Giri, and Dick Forester
3rd row: Darryl Nelson, Belva Christensen,
Jack Johnson, Al Caldwell, Larry Kmock, John Sturman, Ed Womack, Rick
Canterbury, and L. B. Russell
Back: Billie L. Young, Benna Muth, Mike
Flaniken, Jimmy Morris, Bill Kraft, Bill McManus, and Darrell Tafoya |
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Instructor Seminar (Course 1400-4): June
15-19, 1987 Kneeling: Ted Murphy,
Dave Krosting, Jim Beaver, Ron Montagna, Bob Milton, John Carlson, Steve
Addington, and Bob Harrison
Middle: Tim Murphy, Barbara Hollway, Sherry
Barnett, Phil Cloues, Margo Sena, Lillie Hikida, Bunni Geddis, Stephanie
Hargrove, Mary Zuschlag, MarLynn Spears, and Dave Tallaferro
Back: Bill Calkins, Margo Freeberg, Chloe
Ann Hanken, Judy Willsey, Kay MacDonald, Trudy Holdren, Jim Turner, Ron
Kay, Pam Lewis, Terry Rich, and Gordon Schaeffer |
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Instructor Seminar (Course 1400-4):
October 26-30, 1987 Kneeling: Larry
Maxfield, Keith Namock, Roger Middleton, Tom Jensen, and Ken Bonin
Middle: Barbara Hollway, Sandy Austin, Jim
Morris, Steve Brandenburg, Judy Baker, Patricia Hamilton, Sunny Johnson,
and Ray Leicht
Back: David Griggs, Bill Brandau, John
Steffans, Bill Radtkey, Chloe Hanken, Tim Sanders, Bud Reynolds, Jeff
Jarvis, George Nelson, and Bill Daniels |
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Instructor Seminar (Course 1400-4):
September 14-18, 1987 Kneeling:
Charley Beecham, Dennis Oaks, Phil Parks, Charlie Boyer, Don Kelli, Mel
Williams, and Glenn Harris
Middle: Barbara Hollway, Margo Freeberg,
Ruth Stockie, Carolyn Nelson, Roger Haskins, Gerald Clark, Lynda
Armentrout, LIsa Meade, Paula Peterson, Kurt Ballantyne, Laurelle Hughes,
and Bob Peterson
Back: Chloe Ann Hanken, Earl Hindley, Dean
Warne, Robert Walker, Bob Gibson, Paul Petty, Jeff Zabler, Richard Brook,
and Bob Randolph |
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Lands Decision Writing (Course 2000-8):
December 7-11, 1987 Kneeling: Tom Gey,
Charles J. Kihm, Vanessa Stuebing, Ida Sainz, and Bob Barbour
2nd row: Elena Daly, Nate Felton, Mark
Mackiewicz, Becky Gonzales, Pam Brown, Valerie Trumbule, Debby Sorg, Grace
Margie Martinez, Jeanette Espinosa, and Rochelle S. Ames
3rd row: Ken Detweiler, Verle Harle, Arnold
Schoeck, Peggy Forbes-Crowl, Marilyn Peters, Gloria Reams, Shirley
Hawkins, Cathy Cooney, and Darlene Haegele
Back: Stan Bronczyk, David Lehmann, Douglas
Jones, Clair Quilter, Kathy Stubbs, Penny Brown, Evelyn Stob, Mary Hyde,
Mike Crocker, and Darlene Haegele |
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Locatable Minerals Management (Course
3000-23): March 26-27, 1987
Kneeling: Dave Pomerinke, Ron Rogers, Bob Harrison, James E. Edwards, Jr.,
Dale Wadleigh, David Sitzler, Matt Shumaker, Dave Plume, and Burrett Clay
2nd row (standing): Leslie A. Theiss, Bill
Buge, Bob DeTar, Neil A. Simmons, Gerald W. Queen, Raj Giri, Randy
Heuscher, Shirley Miller, Bill Matthews, Paul Uncapher, Dave Fatch, and
Glen Kerestes
3rd row: Cheryl Howard, Richard G. Hill,
Vince Balderez, Bob Gebhardt, Dan Grenard, Jack Stwuerwald, Jamie Sellar-Baker,
Dale Tribby, Ed Weber, Art Smith, Brent Cunderla, and Ole Olsen
Back: Carlton Lance, Fred Potter, Victor
Ross, Jon Menten, Larry Dee, Dan Sokal, Clare Miller, and Roy Drew |
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Master Adjudicator Seminar (Course
2000/3000-10): April 20-24, 1987
Kneeling: Nancy Bloyer, Kurk Mueller, Tom
Reltmeyer, Bob Merrill, Carl Gammon, Harold Brown, Fred O'Ferrall, Vincent
Hecker, Jeff Zabler, Jon Johnson, and Frank Bruno
Middle: Richard Richards, Bill Buge, Laura
Steele, Jackie Clark, Nancy Alex, Richard Tate, Rose Fairbanks, Jody
Woodlin, Judy Reed, Bobbi Knudsen, Beverly Martin, and Bob Barbour
Back: Jan Budzelik, Dorothy Preston, Ed
Croteau, Pat Wattles, Bill Bilesner, Mike Nelson, Ted Bingham, Dianne
Storey, Evelyn Axelson, Julia Cannon, Arvilla McAllister, Charlotte
Pickering, Karen Skauge, and Del Bale |
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Meeting Management and Facilitation Skills
(Course 1200-6), Kingman, AZ: October 21-23, 1987
Front: Tom Gey, Barbara Hollway, Andrea Nygren,
Lisa Meade, and Jim Stone
Middle: Mike Kilemann, Ruth Murray, Gina
Ramos, MarLynn Spears, Cindy Dugan, and Dick Forester
Back: J. Pat Green, Cal McCluskey, and Bob
Hall |
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Mine and Beneficiation Cost Estimating and
Economic Evaluation (Course 3000-11)
Course held at the Denver Federal Center, April 20-24, 1987
Kneeling: Maureen J. Horne, Pete Peters, Matt
Shumaker, James S. Robbins, Ervin Podrabinsky, and John S. Young
Standing: Richard Fantel, Robert L.
Harrison, Jerome Strahan, Douglas P. Bauer, Ernest R. Achterberg, Rich
Young, Bob Davidoff, and Max Nielson |
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Mineral Materials Management (Course
3000-24): March 24-25, 1987
Kneeling: Art Smith, Shirley Miller, John Morrone, Leslie A. Theiss,
Gerald W. Queen, Neil A. Simmons, Valley Stiles, Bob Harrison, Matt
Shumaker, Richard G. Hill, Bob Kershaw, and Burrett Clay
Row 2 (standing): Cheryl Howard, Brenda
Aird, Glen Kerestes, Randy Heuscher, Ron Rogers, Raj Giri, Ilene Anderson,
Bill Matthews, Philip Cloves, Dave Pomerinke, Ed Ginouues, David R.
Sitzler, and Ed Weber
Row 3: Vince Balderez, Dan Grenard, Victor
O. Ross, Dave Fatch, Bob DeTar, Jack Steuerwald, and Dave Plume
Back: Brent Cunderla, Jim Lambert, Larry
Dee, Fred Potter, Jon Menten, Dale Tribby, Jamie Sellar-Baker, Paul
Uncapher, Dan Sokal, Clare Miller, Bob Gebhardt, Ole Olsen, and James E.
Edwards, Jr |
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Minerals Decision Writing (Course
3000-8): December 7-11, 1987
Front: Bob Lopez, Peter Milne, Joe Vialpando, Lonny E. Kent, and Bob
2nd row: Jackie Samsal, Stella Covington,
Pam Stiles, Elaine Hayle, Donna Grill, Mary Ventling, Connie Seare, and
Angie Valverde
3rd row: Al Rodriguez, Frances Javes,
Tessie Anchondo, Joyce Fierro, Linda Huff, Rae Jean Taylor, Karen Purvis,
and Mary McConnell
Back: Charles Johnson, Joan Gilbert, Susan
Starcevich, Bill Buge, Mike Barnes, Byard Kershaw, Bill Sackman, Cynthia
Embretson, and Donna Kauffman |
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Mining Claim Validity Examination Procedures
(Course 3000-13): October 13 - November 19, 1987
Front row: Bob Randolph, Vickie Daniels,
Francis Rakow, Steve Storo, Matt Shumaker, and Leslie Theiss
2nd row: Rusty Dersch (hat w/ white crown),
Burrett Clay, Kathy Schotzko, Jo Ellis, and Janine Clayton
3rd row: Lawrence Broeker, Andres Rorick,
and John Davenport
Back: Courtney Cloyd, Michael Linden, John
Miley, and Marie Marshall |
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Pipeline Systems Short Course (Course 2000-6),
Durango, CO: May 18-25, 1987
Kneeling: Walt Bennett, Vic Bartkus, Mark Hatchel, Mike Kasterin, Stan
Bauer, Jim Millhorn, Duane Feick, Mary Craggett, Sam DesGeorges, and Jose
Standing: Robert Rood, Ross Butler, Earl
Hindley, Gene Ecker, Ray Kingston, Bob Schneider, Jim Tinsfield, Tom
Hammack, Stephen Graham, LaJoan Hardin, Mary Jo Albin, Scott Barker, Pat
Harrison, Elsa Curley, Effie Schultsmeler, and Darrel Tafoya |
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Placer Examination (Course 3000-9):
May 11-15, 1987
Course conducted at BLM National Mineral Laboratory, Folsom, CA
Front: Matt Shumaker, Joe Mirabal, Hilton K.
Cass, Maureen Joplin Horne, Lynn Lewis, Rod Herrick, and Durga Rimal
Middle: Earl Boone, Randy Heuscher, Burrett
W. Clay, George E. Schepcoff, and Ben Sprouse
Back: J. R. Evans, Don Zoss, Gerry Capps,
and Don Keill |
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Professional Resource Management - BLM
Foundations (Course 1400-6): February 23 - March 13, 1987
Group IKneeling: John Gaudio, Jim
Gacy, Rodney Everett, Cynthia Grover, Joan Oxendine, Mary Ritz, Danny
Randall, Richard Stephenson, and Mike Wintch
Middle: Jim Malton, Edward Bovy, Dixie
Sherwood, Linda Hansen, Bo Rabinoff, Claude Treanor, Christy Jones, Jim
Rhett, and Barbara Gauthier-Warinner
Back: MarLynn Spears, Donna Largent, John
Gebhard, Asko Virtanen, Sharon Prell, Kim Schultzmeier, Dave Krouskop, Don
Ashby, Eric Luse, and Marvin LeNoue |
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Professional Resource Management - BLM
Foundations (Course 1400-6): February 23 - March 13, 1987
Group IIKneeling: Ken Warren, Skip
Ritter, Kevin Schoppmann, Charles Valentine, Allen Breltzman, Noah Kurtz,
Mark Cadwallader, Teresa Romasko, and Mike Wintch
Middle: Lylla Livingston, Linda McNurlin,
Cathie Jensen, Dianne Osborne, Nancy Getchell, Gloria Romero, Marilyn
Nickerson, Carol Jacoby, Carolyn Nelson, and Bob Anderson
Back: Gail Petry, Stephanie Ellingham,
Rebecca Gravenmier, Eric Watkins, Terry Humphrey, Phil Smith, Deanne
Combs, Tom Bohnsack, and J. Michael Teitmeyer |
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Professional Resource Management - Lands
(Course 4000-1): February 19 - April 7, 1987
Front: Noah Kurtz, Danny Randall, and Mark
Middle: Gary Dreier, Theresa Romasko,
Gloria Romero, Christy Jones, Cynthia Grover, and Claude Treanor
Back: Kim Schultzmeier, Becky Gravenmier,
Stephanie Ellingham, Eric Luse, Mary Ritz, Philip Smith, Don Ashby, and
Mike Tietmeyer |
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Professional Resource Management - Lands
(Course 2000-1: Technical Session): March 16 - April 30, 1987
Kneeling: Griselda Herrera, Cathie Jensen,
Marilyn Nickerson, John Gaudio, Al Breitzman, Dave Krouskop, Bill Miller,
Barbara Hollway, and Nancy Getchell
Standing: Richard Stephenson, Wes Duggan,
Linda McNurlin, Rod Everett, Wally Crisco, Mark Sherbourne, Lylla
Livingston, and Mick Kaser |
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RMP Short Course (Course 1600-2):
December 7-11, 1987 Kneeling: Willis
"Dub" Bird, Scott Florence, Bob Beechler, Ten Angle, Terry Reed, Barry
Tollefson, Craig Flentie, Frosty Littrell, and Ken Harrison
Middle row: Leslie Cone, Clarence Hougland,
Gerald L. Loritz, Jim Keeton, Saundra Porenta, Jean Sinclear, Lynette
Nakazawa, Don R. Mitchell, Carl Zulick, Dennis Zachman, Kit Mueller,
Dwight Hovland, Tim Salt, and MarLynn Spears
Back: Roger Taylor, Bob Alexander, Dick
Vernimen, Bill Bottomly, Steve Knox, Bert Rogers, Scott Haight, Jim
Morrison, Bud Cribley, Warren Brown, Dennis Oaks, Ev Hayes, Mark Stiles,
Jim Mitchell, Bill Calkins, Bob Armstrong, and Calvin McKinlay |
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Soil, Water, and Air Management (Course
7000-1): February 2-13, 1987
Kneeling: Cal McCluskey, Ron Hooper, and Chris Butler
Standing: Nicholas Rieger, Dan Brown,
Martin Girffith, Chester Novak, Ron Clark, LinFehlmann, Bill Volk, Al
Amen, Jim Nye, Steve Strenger, David Schafersman, Gary Rosenlieb, Jim
Stone, Ken Miller, Jim Stobaugh, Jim Delaureal, and A. J. Martinez |
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Solid Leasable Mineral Development and Mining
(Course 3000-26): June 1-5, 1987)
Front: Matt McColm, Ron Blackstone, Carl Yost,
Angela Trujillo, Phyllis Denton, and Marie Larragoite
Middle: Bill Stringer, Jeff Clawson, Bruce
Kennedy, Stephen Falck, Allen Vance, Roger Baer, and Vance Greer
Back: John Miley, Ralph Wilcox, Vic
Grizzle, John Young, Paul Politzer, Mark Holmes, and Tom Durst |
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Solid Leasable Mineral Management (Non-Coal),
Course 3000-22: May 11-15, 1987
Front: Jeannette Bejot, Dan Washington, Raj
Giri, Jerry Boggs, and Mary Linda Ponticelli
Back: Ron Blackstone, Pam Bissonette, Bill
Lucas, John Branch, Jerry Straham, Roy Drew, and Dean Warne |
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Solid Leasable Mineral System - SLMS
(Course 3000-33): July 21-24, 1987
Front: Carol Higgins, Norma Reitsma, Matt
McColm, Bruce Kennedy, and Dave Hoglund
Back: Joe Rasmussen, Marj Thorvaldson,
Linda Moody, Alfred Rodriguez, and Steve Van Matre |
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Threatened and Endangered Species Management
and Consultation (Course 5000-12): March 16-20, 1987
Kneeling: Cal McCluskey, Geoff Bain, Gary
Lebsack, Bob Jones, Ken Knowles, and Kirk Gardner
2nd row: Dennis Tol, Mike Henderson, Cheryl
McCaffrey, Lillian Clech, Dick Prather, Joan Seevers, and Gerry Gill
3rd row: Lee Upham, Butch Olendorff, Clair
Button, Bob Kindschy, Jim Ramnaka, Dave Renwald, Bob Bright, Ron Bolander,
and Mike Ferguson
Back: Frank Dudley, Mark Barber, Bill
Grossl, Paul McClain, Ralph Culbertson, Val Crispin, Bob McCarty, Randy
Trujillo, Glenn Carpenter, and Bill Radtkey |
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Train the Trainer - The Planner's Toolbox
(Course 1400-8): August 24-28, 1987
Kneeling: Glen Nebeker, Butch Peugh, Neil
Talbot, Joe Patti, Jerrold Collidge, Jim Atkins, and Frosty Littrell
Middle: Ken Harrison, Jim Keeton, Gregg
Berry, Terri Yeckley, Debbie Pietrzak, Jim Beaver, Holden Brink, Pete
Wilkins, and MarLynn Spears
Back: Bob Armstrong, H. Edward Lynch, Gary
Wyke, John W. Whitney, R. Gregg Simmons, Bob Barney, Mike Mescher, Mark
Stiles, Jay Carlson, and Glenn Wallace |
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Using the Plan (Course 1600-3):
May 4-7, 1987 Kneeling: Mike Wintch,
Mike Mescher, Steve Romoff, Jim Beaver, Frosty Littrell, Mitch Wainwright,
Ken Harrison, Roger Bolstad, Bill Hagdorn, Daryl Trotter, Kenneth Burke,
Holden Brink, Frank D'Amore, Peter Ertman, and MarLynn Spears |
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Wildlife Economics and Productivity Analysis -
Train the Trainer (Course 1400-8): August 17-21, 1987
Kneeling: Cal McCluskey, Jerry Majerus, Allen
Cooperrider, Dan Baggao, Dave Roberts, Kurt Ballentyne, Robert Milton, and
Craig Altop
Middle: Bob Davis, Jeannette Pranzo Donald
Armentrout, Kirk Rowabaugh, Ray Boyd, Gene Dahlem, George Sheppard, Lew
Brown, and Mill McNally
Back: Ray Hoem, Don Prichard, Lou Jurs,
Jeff Carroll, Jerry Farringer, Terry Rich, Clay Bridges, Stan Frazier,
Kent Hamilton, Paul Myers, Richard Brook, and Bob Randolph |
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