Public Lands Foundation

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The PLF carries out many of its functions and activities through internal committees comprising member volunteers. The current list of Working Committees, committee chairs and members is available below.

  • Awards Committees

    The Awards Committees shall:

    • Recognize outstanding individuals and groups for their work in public land management.
    • Seek nominations and make recommendations for the Managerial and Technical Outstanding Professional Award, Lifetime Service Award and Landscape Stewardship Award winners each year.
    • Have awards plaques engraved and certificates printed, as appropriate.
    • Arrange for appropriate ceremonies.
    • Prepare and distribute news releases so that PLF issues them before other sources.
    • Prepare an announcement of winners for publication in The Public Lands Monitor.


    Landscape Stewardship

    Dave Mari (Chair)
    Tim O’Brien
    Mike Stewart
    David Stout

    Lifetime Service

    Maggie Wyatt (Chair)
    Lee Barkow
    Eric Janes
    Tim O’Brien

    Public Lands Management Professionals – Manager & Technical

    Jim Currivan (Chair)
    Kim Harb
    Maggie Wyatt

  • BLM Foundation

    The BLM Foundation Committee shall:

    • Encourage the passing of the legislation to establish the BLM Foundation.
    • Assist in the implementation of the BLM Foundation.
    • Continue to monitor and assist the Department.

    George Lea (Chair)
    Tom Allen
    Dean Bibles
    Elena Daly
    Eric Janes
    Kim Harb
    Jack Placchi
    George Stone
    Elaine Zielinski

  • Communications

    The Communications Committee shall:

    • Provide internal and external communications, including timely news releases, to increase the public’s and the membership’s understanding of the PLF’s positions on public land management and members’ involvement in PLF activities.
    • Update current PLF websites on a regular, reoccurring basis and consider the feasibility of developing and maintaining a more interactive, user-friendly website with cross-links to other partnering
    • Assist in the preparation of The Public Lands Monitor (newsletter) on a quarterly basis.


    Ray Brady (Chair)
    Margaret Lliteras
    George Stone

  • Conservation Lands

    The Conservation Lands Committee shall:

    • Stay current on national level conservation lands proposals, legislation, policies, and related land use planning topics.
    • Develop and seek Board approval on issue papers, policy analysis, or position papers as generated from national media, partner organizations, or Friend’s organizations on conservation topics relevant to FLPMA and the national system of public lands administered by the BLM.
    • Identify national level conservation lands issues that may merit response or involvement of the PLF Board.
    • Coordinates and communicate with the Conservation Lands Foundation Board to facilitate collaborative and cooperative approaches to conservation issues when appropriate. The Committee will work with the member of the Conservation Lands Foundation Board who has BLM expertise and members of the Foundation’s staff as appropriate.
    • Analyze conservation topics and position papers, as necessary, and propose advocacy positions to the PLF Board as appropriate.
    • Engage the membership and Board on resolution, approaches or actions that would keep the PLF relevant and responsive to the current conservation activities on the National System of Public Lands.
    • Identify opportunities to coordinate efforts with other federal, state and private entities.


    Vacant (Chair)
    Dean Bibles
    Elena Daly
    Kim Harb
    Mat Millenbach
    Bob Moore

  • Current Events Strike Team

    The Current Events Strike Team shall identify current events topics, issues or media topics that merit response from the PLF board, or membership.Ray Brady

    Vacant (Chair)
    Ray Brady
    Eric Janes
    George Lea
    Bill LeBarron
    Mat Millenbach
    George Stone

  • Development

    The Development Committee shall initiate additional fundraising and membership development to obtain the financial resources needed to support the PLF and its projects and initiatives.

    Vacant (Chair)
    Ray Brady
    Pete Culp
    Scott Florence
    Kim Harb
    Bill Lamb
    George Lea
    Van Manning
    Mary Jo Rugwell
    George Stone
    Jenna Whitlock
    Thomas Zale

  • Finance

    The Finance Committee shall: oversee and advise on the management of the PLF’s financial practices, liquid assets, and investments in accordance with PLF finance policy.

    Mark Davis (Chair)
    George Lea
    Margaret Lliteras
    Eric Janes
    John Kwiatkowski
    Andrew Smith

  • George Lea Founder’s Scholarship

    The George Lea Founder’s Scholarship Committee shall:

    • Seek nominations and make recommendations for student scholarship winners each year.
    • Prepare notification letters to winners and appropriate colleges or universities for PLF President signature.
    • Arrange for winners to participate in scholarship activities included in announcement.
    • Prepare news releases so that PLF issues them before other sources.
    • Prepare an announcement of winners for publication in The Public Lands Monitor.


    David Stout (Chair)
    Ray Brady
    Connie Stone

  • Government Liaison

    The Government Liaison Committee shall:

    • Coordinate activities to present the PLF’s positions to members of Congress, the Administration, the Department of the Interior, and the BLM.
    • Analyze and prepare comments on pending legislation and new BLM policies, regulations and programs for use by the President or Vice-President for D.C. Affairs and the Executive Director.
    • Collect information and prepare PLF testimony on BLM appropriations and other legislation.
    • Make arrangements to testify before Congressional committees, as appropriate.
    • Research and keep the Board and members updated on the status of Congressional legislation, BLM-related rulemaking at the policy level, and Executive Orders and post the information for members on our website.


    Ray Brady (Chair)
    Pete Culp
    Mike Ferguson
    Bill LeBarron
    Van Manning

  • Historical

    The Historical Committee shall:

    • Maintain the PLF Archives, located at the BLM National Training Center in Phoenix, Arizona, as a resource both for understanding the past and applying that information on a continuing basis to benefit the agency and the public.
    • Provide information, advice and assistance to historical projects and events undertaken by BLM.
    • Manage the PLF Archives online database, including reviewing and accepting digital files submitted for the archives, and digitizing paper records for inclusion in the searchable database, and adding images to the database in such a way that they can be searched in appropriate ways.

    Vacant (Chair)

    Elaine Brong
    Chip Calamaio
    Elena Daly
    Kathy Eaton
    Mike Ferguson
    Mat Millenbach
    Bob Moore
    Kit Muller
    Elaine Zielinski

  • Student Congress

    The Student Congress Committee shall:

    • Work directly with the Andrus Center and National Association of Forest Service Retirees to plan and host the John Freemuth Student Congress on Public Policy for Public Lands every two years
    • Coordinate with agency (BLM, Forest Service, National Park Service, etc.) personnel in planning, promoting, conducting and follow-up reporting
    • Work directly with the PLF Executive Director to identify funding needs and provide information needed for successful fundraising effort.

    Vacant (Chair)
    Mike Ferguson
    Beau McClure
    Jenna Whitlock
    Elaine Zielinski
    Appropriate State Rep.
    Jim Caswell, NAFSR Rep.
    Andrus Center Rep.
    Cameron Brown (Student Congress Rep.)