Annual Meeting
The PLF holds an its annual meeting in September each year in a Western State home where public lands are located. PLF typically rotates its conference location among these States year to year. Meetings typically last 2 1/2 days and include a full day’s meeting on a general topic of interest, and a Board meeting. See our 2023 Annual Meeting page for details on this year’s meeting!
John Freemuth Student Congress
Boise State University’s Andrus Center for Public Policy, the Public Lands Foundation, and the National Association of Forest Service Retirees sponsor the John Freemuth Student Congress every few years. Each biennial Student Congress is place-specific and centered on a particular theme. Approximately twenty-five undergraduate and graduate students from across the nation are invited. Retirees, professors, and experts provide context and insight during four days of on-site meetings, panels, field trips, and activities.