Lifetime Service Award - 2008

The Public Lands Foundation grants to Joseph C. Dose, posthumously, its Lifetime Service Award. The Foundation provides this award to deserving members who have perpetuated and enhanced the proud tradition of public service. Joseph C. Dose exemplifies that tradition through a lifetime of service in managing and protecting the public lands.
Joe Dose was born in Keokuk, Iowa in 1927. He served in the U. S. Army, and later graduated from Iowa State University in 1952, with a degree in Forestry. He began his career with the U. S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) in 1952 as a Forester, cruising timber on O & C Revested Lands in the Coos Bay District in western Oregon. By 1956, he was the North Unit Forester for the Coos Bay District. He spent two years on the Bureau’s Washington Office Forestry Staff in the early 1960s, before returning to Oregon as the Eugene District Manager in 1963. In 1976, he returned to Washington as the BLM’s Chief, Division of Forestry, and served in that position until 1980, when he transferred back to Oregon to be the District Manager at Salem, where he retired in 1986.
Joe Dose devoted his 34-year career to the Forestry program in the Bureau of Land Management. Most of that time he served in leadership positions in three of the largest BLM O&C Forestry Districts and in the BLM’s National Headquarters Office in Washington, D. C.
In the 1950s and 60s he helped salvage timber from the catastrophic fires and blow-downs that devastated forests in western Oregon. As District Manager and Chief Division of Forestry he helped develop and implement the many reforestation, timber sale, environmental protection, and forest management policies and procedures that have been so important to the health and productivity of the O&C forests and to the local economies in western Oregon. He was an effective and respected manager of natural resources and people.
He served on the Advisory Board of the North American Forestry Commission, and represented the United States at the World Forestry Conference and on the U. S. – Japanese Forestry Panel. He was active in the Society of American Foresters; he was a Charter Member, Life Time Member and State Representative on the Board of Directors of the Public Lands Foundation; and he was active in local church and civic affairs and charities.
The Public Lands Foundation is honored to recognize Joseph C. Dose with this Lifetime Service Award.
The award was made posthumously at the Foundation’s Annual Meeting in Park City, Utah in September, 2008.