Landscape Stewardship Certificates of Appreciation - 2009

THE PUBLIC LANDS FOUNDATION presents the Sand Rock Ridge Riders with its 2009 Landscape Stewardship Certificate of Appreciation and this Citation. The Foundation grants this recognition to honor private citizens and organizations that work to advance and sustain community-based stewardship on landscapes that include, in whole or in part, public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
The Sand Rock Ridge Riders have not only worked with BLM but also the U.S. Forest Service, and State and local governments. They have combined their efforts to promote other worthwhile causes such as fund raising for the Huntsman Cancer Center. There efforts have not been limited to Fillmore or Millard County, Utah where they are based, but they have reached out and provided services in other locations as well.
The organization has worked with local land managers, and their positive attitude and their willingness to support land management agencies has had a positive influence on communities. They have supported good public land multiple-use management and administration. They have donated their time, efforts and talents to various service projects that benefit others and the public lands.
Over the years they have participated in National Public Lands Day. They have picked up trash, worked on trail maintenance, etc. They have organized special projects such as placing BLM signs along the highway, working on the establishment and maintenance of trailheads and a unique project of installing “bike-guards” to alleviate the opening and closing of cattle gates along trails. Most of all, according to Patricia Bailey, Acting Field Manager of the Fillmore Field Office, who made the nomination, “They have always emphasized proper use of public lands, including obeying area rules and staying on trails, while working with appropriate land management agencies.”
Members have been involved with the National ATV Jamboree and have even installed over 500 signs throughout Fillmore City and Millard County to designate approved routes. The club members have continued their involvement over the years by staying knowledgeable of public land management issues, and they dedicate significant personal time and discussion in support of land management concepts.
For these and their other actions, the Public Lands Foundation is pleased to present the Sand Rock Ridge Riders with this Citation and Certificate of Appreciation for their valuable contributions to the stewardship of America’s public landscapes.
September 12, 2009