Lifetime Service Award - 2020
The Public Lands Foundation grants to Tom Warren its Lifetime Service Award for excellence in public land management. The Foundation provides this award to deserving BLM employees who have perpetuated and enhanced the proud tradition of public service.
Tom is a native Nevadan, graduating from the University of Nevada and beginning his career as a range conservationist in the Elko District in the mid 1980’s. Moving on to management responsibilities for Emergency Stabilization and Rehabilitation (ESR), range improvements and operations programs, Tom continued to earn the respect of ranchers and his fellow employees. In the last 20 years of his career Tom had responsibility for the ESR efforts of more than 4 million acres of land in the Elko District. He oversaw planning and implementation of reseeding, planting, and invasive weed treatments at an average annual cost of $4 million. He accomplished this by building partnerships with private landowners, industry and partner agencies.
In addition to his long and successful leadership of the ESR program, Tom was instrumental in implementing parts of a landscape level plan, the South Fork Canyon Interdisciplinary Plan. Tom’s leadership and personal involvement in complex projects resulted in major stream and wetlands restoration accomplishments. He was described as “a driving force” in getting partnerships to work, including volunteer projects to benefit wildlife with the National Wild Turkey Federation and the Nevada Muleys.
One respondent in supporting Tom’s nomination for this award noted that Tom “…is the definition of what a public servant ought to be, and more”. Another cited Tom’s “…dedication, commitment, persistence and professionalism,” as difficult to match.
The Public Lands Foundation is honored to recognize Tom Warren with this Lifetime Service Award presented in 2020.
September 18, 2020