Statement of Support for
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Employees
Mary Jo Rugwell, President, Public Lands Foundation
We Are…
The Public Lands Foundation (PLF) is a national membership organization that advocates and works for the retention of America’s Public Lands in public hands, professionally and sustainably managed for responsible common use and enjoyment. The public lands that we focus on are those that are managed by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).
Forest Service Retiree Reunion
Some of our PLF members have work and life experiences with both the BLM and the U.S. ForestService. The PLF also has an ongoing partnership relationship with the National Association of Forest Service Retirees (NAFSR) organization, including joint sponsorship of the Student Congress program.
The NAFSR supports a Forest Service Retiree Reunion every 3 years and this year’s Reunion is in Missoula, MT on September 22-26. PLF members who may be interested in attending the Reunion this year have been invited and are more than welcome to join the activities. More information on the Reunion can be found at
Report the passing of a current, former, or retired BLM employee.