Landscape Stewardship Certificates of Appreciation - 2019

Front Row (sitting): Jeff Ramsdell, Rebecca Byram, Cathy Lebsack Back Row (standing): BLM Acting WY State Director Duane Spencer, Matt Beavers, Aaron Ketter, PLF WY State Representative Bill LeBarron, Marty Summers, Derek Smith, Brody Erickson, Preston Farnsworth

The Public Lands Foundation (PLF) presents Devon Energy Corporation (Devon) with its 2019 Landscape Stewardship Certificate of Appreciation and this Citation. The PLF grants this recognition to honor private citizens and organizations that work to advance and sustain community-based stewardship on landscapes that include, in whole or in part, public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management.

Devon has partnered with the Buffalo Field Office on numerous public land projects. This was achieved through Devon sponsoring the Wyoming Conservation Corp for a total of eight years. Projects included rebuilding fence and fence removal, mountain mahogany enhancement, ATV/UTV trail maintenance, juniper removal, weed spraying, and other miscellaneous trail work. Much of this work helped the Buffalo Field Office carry out projects that may have been unachievable due to the lack of time and resources. For example, mule deer winter range has been improved throughout the field office by thinning conifer encroachment in mountain mahogany sites. Greater sage-grouse habitat has benefitted by thinning conifer encroachment in sagebrush ecological sites. And fence repair and removal have assisted grazing lessees, saving them time and money as well as potential livestock injury.

In addition, starting in 2016, Devon has taken an active role in plugging and reclaiming idle coal bed natural gas wells (CBNG) and associated infrastructure. Not only have they plugged and reclaimed over 360 CBNG wells, they have also removed the associated overhead powerlines and reclaimed the associated roads and pipelines. The reclamation of all infrastructure totals to several hundred acres of reclamation and ultimately thousands of acres of landscape restoration, all located in the Powder River Basin.

Devon’s leadership and vision regarding the temporary use of land for oil and gas development demonstrates how industry can meet BLM’s mission of “Sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.” This effort encourages other producers to follow their lead by showcasing successful oil and gas reclamation. Devon’s proactive approach has created a sense of teamwork between private industry and the BLM. Their volunteer education and safety days have helped cultivate a sense of commitment and trust amongst everyone.

The Public Lands Foundation is pleased to present Devon Energy Corporation with its 2019 Landscape Stewardship Certificate of Appreciation and this Citation for invaluable contributions to the stewardship of America’s public landscapes.


Edward Shepard
September 13, 2019