Landscape Stewardship Certificates of Appreciation - 2010

Lindy Brigham receives Certificate of Appreciation from PLF President Henri Bisson.
Left to right: Jim Kiser and Sarah Smallhouse, Board Members of Friends of Ironwood Forest; PLF President Henri Bisson; Lahsha Brown, Executive Director, Friends of Ironwood Forest; Lindy Brigham, Executive Director, CABCC; John Scheuring; Brian Bellew, BLM Tucson Field Office Manager; Robert Buffington, PLF member; and Glen Collins, PLF Secretary.

THE PUBLIC LANDS FOUNDATION presents the Southern Arizona Buffelgrass Coordination Center with a Landscape Stewardship Certificate of Appreciation and this Citation.  The Foundation grants this recognition to honor private citizens and organizations that work to advance and sustain community-based stewardship on landscapes that include, in whole or in part, public lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM).

The Southern Arizona Buffelgrass Coordination Center has provided a tremendous amount of assistance to BLM in its effort to educate the public and bring together a variety of stakeholders that share BLM’s vision of extinguishing the invasion of buffelgrass. And, the Coordination Center provides resources needed to take on such a large challenge.

In his nomination of the Coordination Center, Mark Lambert, Ironwood Forest National Monument Manager, stated, “The SABCC is a symbol of how partnerships can be successful.  The SABCC takes the lead on providing not only BLM but a variety of partners an opportunity to identify funding opportunities for research, education, and physical removal of buffelgrass.”

The SABCC gives life to a vision that provides a united front for dispersing scientific studies, mapping resources, innovation and combined resources.  In order to do that, the SABCC has initiated an avenue for individual citizens, government agencies and non-government alike to take ownership and responsibility for protecting resources, like the Ironwood trees, the threatened Nichol Turks head cactus, Saguaro cactus, desert bighorn sheep and the historic and prehistoric objects like the ones that can be found in the National Monument.

As a result of the Coordination Center’s efforts, more and more individuals in southeastern Arizona are investing their time, research and finances in protecting not only public land, but all land within the Tucson Basin.

The Public Lands Foundation is pleased to present the Southern Arizona Buffelgrass Coordination Center with this Citation and a Certificate of Appreciation for invaluable contributions to the stewardship of America’s public landscapes.


Henri Bisson
September 15, 2010