Archive Number Title Date Location
1000.01 Assistant Secretary Meeting on ANSCA (2) 2/28/1972 Alaska
1003.15 Arizona Retirees, January 2003 1/1/2003 Arizona
1003.16 AZSO Division of Resources Retirement Event for Keith Pearson and Marvin Weiss 12/20/1994 Arizona
1004.04 Dennis Curtis, Ken Moore and Tom Folks retirement event, Dixie Weekly News, February 2008 Arizona
1010.01 California Management Team Meeting in Sacamento, California, Fall 1960. California
1038.08 Administrative Workshop Attendees, July14-16, 1982 7/14/1982 Montana
1064.02 BLM Oregon/Washington State Director Staff Meeting 3/23/1965 Oregon/Washington
1064.11 Information Conference at Oregon State Office, BLM Photo No. 2741-1 OSO. 10/29/1968 Oregon/Washington
1064.13 Eastern Oregon Forestry Conference 4/1/1969 Oregon/Washington
1064.20 Oregon State Office Eastside Access Meeting (4 photos) 2/10/1977 Oregon/Washington
1064.21 Oregon State Office Rogue River Acquisition Meeting. 11/2/1976 Oregon/Washington
1064.22 Access Meeting Oregon/Washington
1064.23 Mud Springs Training Conference (photo-copy) 9/1/1941 Oregon/Washington
1064.29 Newport, Oregon Meeting 5/7/1984 Oregon/Washington
1064.37 Vale Lands Conference, October 14-16, 1964. Also in 1064.37a Oregon/Washington
1064.40 BLM Oregon/Washington Staff Meeting 3/23/1965 Oregon/Washington
1065.02 Burns and Lakeview District Line Meeting (photo-copy) 5/16/1964 Oregon/Washington
1069.13 Soil and Water Conservation District Supervisors Meeting. (2 photos) 11/14/1963 Oregon/Washington
1073.10 BLM Range Survey Conference, Vale, OR 6/5/1962 Oregon/Washington
1073.11 BLM Range Survey Conference, Vale, OR 6/7/1962 Oregon/Washington
1073.26 Range Training Session, 1956 Oregon/Washington