Archive Number Title Date Location
29.01 BLM Timber Management Accomplishments, 1972-1981 Bureauwide
29.02 Walter H. Horning Tree Seed Orchard-Salem District, Salem Oregon Oregon/Washington
47.00 Lanz, John F. Personal recollections of a Government Forester 1946-1976 6/1/1991 Bureauwide
69.00 Miscellaneous forestry people and projects by Bill Leavell Bureauwide
70.00 “O&C Sustained Yield Act: The Land, The Law, The Legacy, 1937-1987. BLM Publication Oregon/Washington
79.00 “Inauguration of a Forest Policy for the Forested lands of the United States”, National Academy of Science report to the Secretary of Interior in 1897. 5/1/1997 Bureauwide
104.00 “Booklet on BLM Forestry”-Draft prepared by Bob Hostetter 1/1/1984 Bureauwide
121.00 “Forests: Our Growing Legacy” BLM Status Report, 1991. 1/1/1991 Bureauwide
182.00 Timber Sale Planning and Spotted Owls in Western Oregon, Circa 1990’s. Oregon/Washington
187.00 O&C Administration Annual Report, Eugene Ranger District, Eugene, Oregon, 1940 1/1/1940 Oregon/Washington
197.00 DOI Forestry Speeches in 1940’s Bureauwide
223.02 Fourth Forestry Conference, Coos Bay, Oregon 11/5/1963 Bureauwide
267.00 “The Act of August 28, 1937-The Story Of Its Enactment” by Walter Horning. A description of the O&C Act and the forestry program. 7/28/1961 Oregon/Washington
268.00 “O&C Lands” by Russell Getty from the Western Conservation Journal. 7/1/1960 Oregon/Washington
276.00 “Report of The National Discussion Forum to Review Recommendations of the Public Land Law Review Commission Concerning Federal Forest Land Resources” 9/1/1970 Bureauwide
277.00 Papers presented at the Western Oregon Forest Development Workshop in 1972 4/1/1972 Oregon/Washington
290.00 Miscellaneous Materials on Vegetative Sales, 1970’s Bureauwide
296.00 “The Myth and Reality of Multiple Use Forestry.” National Resources Journal, University of New Mexico School of Law, Vol. 3 No. 2, October, 1963, pp 276-290. 10/1/1963 Bureauwide
309.00 “United States Department of the Interior Forest Conservation.” USDI Conservation Bulletin 42 1/1/1962 Bureauwide
342.00 O&C Timber Management Issues with subfiles of correspondence by sub-issue Oregon/Washington
342.01 Spotted Owl Forestry Problems in Western Oregon, misc. Materials on issue Oregon/Washington
342.02 Western Oregon Management Plans-State Director Guidance, 1990’s Oregon/Washington
369.00 President Clinton’s Timber Plan, misc. Materials on proposal Bureauwide
373.00 Log Scaling and Grading Guidelines Bureauwide
379.00 BLM Regional Foresters Meeting-1951 6/25/1951 Bureauwide
410.00 “Handbook of Information on Entering Positions in Forestry” by Shirley W. Allen, Society of American Foresters publication, 1945 1/1/1945 Bureauwide
414.00 Barker, Bill Personal recollections of Early BLM Forestry in California 5/1/2002 California
452.00 Treatise on Bush Forest and ForestHealth Plan-2002 by Bob Wolf. 1/1/2002 Bureauwide
532.00 Miscellaneous photos on P.D. Forestry Management Bureauwide
533.00 Miscellaneous photos on O&C Forestry Management Bureauwide
549.00 Miscellaneous Photos of Forestry Meetings and Conferences Bureauwide
624.00 History of BLM Bend, Oregon Forestry District, 1948-1954 by Bill Jensen Oregon/Washington
629.00 “Beginning of the National Forest System” National Forests 1891-1991, USDA Pamphlet 5/1/1991 Bureauwide
630.00 “BLM’s Billion Dollar Checkerboard” Managing the O&C Book by Elno Richardson in 1980 Oregon/Washington
682.00 “Extensive Forest Inventory Field Handbook” compiled by Denver Service Center from USFS, 1993. 1/1/1993 Bureauwide
692.00 Crosscut Saw Manual by Warren Miller 6/1/1978 Bureauwide
707.00 Original piece of O&C rail from Merle Winn 1/28/1965 Oregon/Washington
732.00 O&C Historical Documents, various papers by Horning, Oregon/Washington
743.00 “Saving the Golden Goose” by Joella Werlan for the Association of O&C Counties. Oregon/Washington
744.00 “Timber Management for the 1980’s” published by the BLM oregon State Office. 11/1/1984 Oregon/Washington
765.00 Review of Policy for Multiple Use Managemnt of the O&C Forests, Solicitor Opinion. 9/8/1981 Oregon/Washington
856.10 Strategies for the 1980’s for the O&C, by Gerald Hubbard, July 1987. Oregon/Washington
902.00 “Trees and the Nation” USFS/BLM Brochure, 1986 Bureauwide
927.00 “The Last Tree Claim” by Olga Curtis, reprint from Denver Post in Our Public Lands, Spring 1978 Colorado
948.00 “Managing a Forest: The O&C Grant Lands”, USDI/BLM Pamphlet, 1960’s Oregon/Washington
988.00 “Strategies for the 1990’s: Timber, Tourism and Community-Economic Stability in the O&C”, BLM document by Gerard J. Hubbard, 1986 Oregon/Washington
1070.06 “Bend Oregon Forest Distric History, 1945-1954, by Bill Jensen 3/31/2001 Oregon/Washington
1101.00 “2006 Northwest Forest Plan Accomplishments”, BLM Brochure Oregon/Washington
1105.00 Forestry Handbook, book by Society of American Foresters, 1955 Bureauwide
1110.00 O&C Logging Road Right-of-Way Permits and Agreements Handbook, Oregon State Office, 1950’s-1970’s Oregon/Washington
1148.00 “Fuels Management and the BLM”, BLM Booklet by NIFC, 1998-1999. Bureauwide
1155.00 Correction and use of Prisms for Point Sampling by R.F. Bower, G.L. Heinman, and D.B. Ostergood in Journal of Forestry. Bureauwide
1197.00 “Log Scaling and Timber Cruising”, by J.R. Dilworth. Bureauwide
1283.00 “Tree Rings-Timekeeper of the Past”, USGS Pamphlet, 1973. Bureauwide
1308.00 The BLM, USDI Bend Forest District,1948-1954 by Bill Jensen from notes supplied by Ken Burkholder, Archie Craft and Don Kobelin. Oregon/Washington
1363.00 Barker, Bill- Personal recollections, Pick-a-Card, re: Timber Trespass Settlement, Mother Lode, CA California
1364.00 O&C National Forest Exchange Act, PL-426 of 1954. Oregon/Washington
1365.00 Overview of the O&C Act of 1937 Oregon/Washington
1366.00 “Rethinking the Forests”, PBS TV, November 21, 2003 11/21/2003 Oregon/Washington
1367.00 “The Northwest Forest Plan”, USDA, 1996. Oregon/Washington
1394.00 Overview of the O&C Act of 1937 Oregon/Washington
1414.00 Historic records of Elaine Zielinski form her tenure as State Director of Oregon, 1990’s. Includes documents on the “God Squad(common name), The Spotted Owl, and other resource issues. Oregon/Washington
1439.00 Miller, Joseph, personal recollections of the O&C, “Saving Oregon’s Golden Goose-Political Drama on the O&C Lands”, 2006. 1/1/2006 Oregon/Washington
1442.00 Woodard, Larry-personal recollection “Tales from the Tall Timber 1957-1969” Oregon/Washington